Chantix Review

Chantix Review and daily chronicles of a Chantix user. Come along for the ride as we determine if Chantix really is the stop smoking/smoking cessation miracle drug.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Chantix Review - Days 2-4

With nothing much to report on days 2-4 I decided to forgo individual posts for those days.

Perhaps some very mild side effects, such as a bit of mild anxiety on Day 2. However, it is only fair that I confess to having had mild anxiety in the past. This was nothing nearly as severe as anything I have experienced before and it passed within a few minutes.

Mild gas/constipation on Days 3-4 which I can't 100% attribute to Chantix, however it is listed as a possible side effect, so it bears noting here. All in all, nothing severe whatsoever. In the interest of fair reporting, I feel I need to disclose everything no matter how mild I have experienced during this review.

I am currently on Day 5 of my prescription which is the second day of twice a day dosages of .5mg per tablet. So far I haven't noticed any major changes in my smoking habits. However, I do notice a difference in taste over the last 24-48hrs. and think I am beginning to experience a bit less of the "nicotine rush".

It's still very early in this trial, but I am really pleased with the methods so far.I really think continuing to smoke for the first 7 days is a bonus for me. In the beginning I wasn't so sure, but having had time to reflect over the course of the past few days I really believe it is giving me time to grow used to the idea of quitting, without having to feel guilty about still smoking. I am supposed to continue smoking!

As the days move on, I firmly believe the physical addiction is going to be much easier to defeat than the psychological addiction. The smoking rituals, if you will. I have found myself smoking out of ritual already, and realizing I really didn't want the cigarette.I'll keep you posted on how this all transpires.Until tomorrow...

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