Chantix Review

Chantix Review and daily chronicles of a Chantix user. Come along for the ride as we determine if Chantix really is the stop smoking/smoking cessation miracle drug.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Chantix Review - Days 5 - 7

Here we are again. Sorry to be bunching days together, but good or bad, there has just been nothing newsworthy about my Chantix experiment.

The last entry I made was during day 5, and here we are early in Day 7, and I am happy to report that I haven't had any real trouble with the Chantix side effects so far.

Unfortunately, I have been feeling a bit under the weather due to a sinus cold/allergies, but I can hardly attribute that to the Chantix.

Early on I was concerned about mood swings/depression etc. None of which have occurred so far. We are still early in the game, and I expect there might be a few twists and turns ahead, but I think I am prepared. From all that I have read the physical withdrawal symptoms are reduced to such a great degree that they are much less noticeable.

Tomorrow is my scheduled quite date. I must admit I am a bit nervous, but I am excited all the same.

Be sure to check back for the update on how the first smoke free day goes!

Wish me luck!

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