Chantix Review

Chantix Review and daily chronicles of a Chantix user. Come along for the ride as we determine if Chantix really is the stop smoking/smoking cessation miracle drug.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Chantix Review - Days 10 - 15

Wow... another five days have already gone by and I feel GREAT! Today marks the 1 week anniversary of my being completely smoke free and it has actually been relatively easy by comparison to anything else I have ever tried to quit smoking.

There have been a few rough hours over the course of the last several days, but it hasn't been anything the average person couldn't handle. I certainly don't have iron willpower.

The cigarette cravings just usually don't last very long at all, but on days 12 and 13 I had some of the strongest urges I have had since beginning this Chantix test. Having tried to quit in the past, I can assure you they were shorter and less intense than they would have been without Chantix, but it was a test. Happily I passed the test, and since then it has really been getting much easier.

Over the weekend I even had a few drinks with one of my good friends and neighbors, who I used to sit around the garage and smoke and drink with on occasion on the weekends. I told him not to feel uncomfortable about smoking around me, as I had to expose myself to it sooner or later. I was very happy to see that I didn't crave one at all. Quite the contrary, they didn't seem appealing at all. Not nauseating or anything, just not appealing. Sort of like a tolerant non-smoker must feel.
Hmmm... come to think of it, I guess that's what I am now... a tolerant non-smoker. ;)

As far as side effects for the past few days go, nothing too terrible to report. I am noticing a bit of an unpleasant taste in my mouth, but its not that bad, a breath mint on occasion is a good thing for us all anyway.

I haven't seemed to be able to sleep quite as long lately, approximately, 5-6 hours a night, and I am not sure if that is because of the Chantix or not.
I must say I haven't felt at all tired from it, as some people have reported. I actually feel much more energized lately than ever.

Chantix lists "changes in dreams, or unusual dreams" as a possible side effect. I can't say I have had any unusual dreams or nightmares, but I have been dreaming much more frequently and able to remember most of my dreams after awaking. I am actually quite enjoying it, as I usually don't dream or at least do not remember dreaming after I awake. I feel it is a bonus.

If you are ready to quit, I suggest you give it a try.

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